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Showing posts from March, 2010

Storm Clouds Yesterday

Storm clouds from yesterday (03/28/2010). First pic is looking out my front door and bottom pic is looking out my back door. We had a pretty severe thunderstorm come through. With it came a few minutes of hail as well. Whew, I'm glad to still be alive!

Funny Pic Needs Funny Caption

Love this pic of Simba and Mary Jane. I actually caught Simba mid-yawn, but it looks like he is roaring at something that might be threatening Mary Jane and he loves Mary Jane. She is his buddy. He even bathes her, lol. Need a funny caption. Any suggestions?

Community Photo Challenge-Windows

Looking out the diamond-shaped window of my back door at Winter and now Spring. Can't wait for Summer and Fall to complete the seasons through this window. Happy Spring! Susan

Happy Spring!~

Spring is finally here! The first image is looking at a touch of spring through the window of my back door. In the 2nd image, I actually went out to that exact tree and snapped the images up close. I really don't have the right kind of camera to get the blossoms very clearly, but at least you can see the blooms! You'd hardly know it is Spring here in the deep South. It's raining today and a bit chilly. Tomorrow's highs are only supposed to be in the 40's. ::brrrrr:: I am ready for the Spring-like weather! How about you?

Community Photo Challenge-Tree

My Fav I have a tree fetish, so I was very excited to see that the community photo challenge this month was Tree. Ansel Adams is my favorite photographer. I have two of his prints on my living room wall, along with several other pieces of tree art. I believe the other two are done in ink. Anyway, we got snow on February 12th. I was standing inside my backdoor looking out at the pretty snow and decided to try the bottom shot through the glass on the door. I was very pleased with how it turned out. It is definitely my favorite. It almost looks like I photoshopped a frame around it, but I promise I didn't. The two pics of the singular tree are the tree in my front yard. One was taken on the actual snow day and the next one was taken the day after it snowed after the sun came out. I love the difference in the contrast. The top one is just of a group of trees with snow. We so rarely get snow this far so...

Bedroom Redo

We recently redid my 17-year-old daughter's bedroom. I love how it turned out. It was done in purple, which is her favorite color. Now, as you can see, it is done in hot pink, black, and white. As you can tell by the posters on her walls, she loves Kurt Cobain/Nirvana, The Beatles, and The Ramones. We moved The Doors poster into the office due to lack of wall space. This bed belonged to my Nana Arrants. I remember many a night sleeping in this bad with my Nana. She would love the fact that Carrie has it now. It's so nice when you organize a room and there is a place for everything and everything is in it's place!