I guess my biggest regret for the last couple of years is losing friends. One never likes to lose friends. I am a fixer and the more I try to fix, I really tend to mess things up. I really need to learn this lesson: Let go and let God! It is so hard for me to let go of people. No matter how badly things might go between us, I tend to want to hang on and take their abuse (and sometimes dish out mine as well, I am no saint). I tend to let my anger get the best of me sometimes. I never used to be so angry, but it seems the older I get and especially after some of my medical diagnoses, the anger came, the depression came, the pain came. I really kind of went off the deep end for a bit and while I still don't feel like my old sweet kind humble self, I am beginning to feel some better. I give that credit to a great doctor and my Heavenly Father, not necessarily in that order. I think one of the biggest lessons I have had to learn as o...
This blog is about what the title says it's about, country living in the south and what is going on in my world. I am a wife, mother, and Nana. I love writing, poetry, gardening, photography, and listening to music. I am an Ambassador for Plexus Worldwide.