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Showing posts from November, 2008

Big Brother aka The Torturer

Thanksgiving day wasn't a total loss. Although I spent part of it in bed and the other part on the sofa, the end of the day was quite nice actually. I got better, so I was able to finally hold some food down. My family went on to my MIL's without me. It is the first Thanksgiving in I don't know when that I didn't fix anything to contribute to Thanksgiving dinner, but I just wasn't able. After my husband and children went to my MIL's for food and fellowship, they brought me back all kinds of goodies. I ate very lightly, so as not to "lose" my food yet again and we spent the rest of the evening watching Newhart reruns in front of the tube as a family, so the end of the day was quite nice for me even though I didn't get to participate in the family festivities at my MIL's. She is very fragile and I didn't want to take the chance of making her sick. ****************************** Tonight, I was in my office on the computer and I hear scr...

Still here!~

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. Been quite sick for a couple of weeks now. Will be back ASAP good Lord willin' to fill you in on the going's on in our household. Just wanted to pop in long enough to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and even my friends in the U.K. can use tomorrow as a day to remember what you have to be thankful for. Blessings!~ Susan

Autumn Pictures

My daughter and I attended my niece's baby shower last Sunday. While I forgot to take pictures of the baby shower, we did stop in several places to get some pics of the beautiful Autumn foliage. My daughter took most of the photos. I took Autumn Gold and Bartlett Pear tree changing. Click on View All Images for a better view. Because my journal background is translucent, it kind of makes it hard to see the photos well. :-( Happy Thanksgiving!~ Susan

Happy Veteran's Day!~

Just wanted to pop in and take a moment to honor our veterans and our troops currently serving. May I say thank you to all of you who have served our great nation. Thank you for your sacrifice in helping to ensure the freedom of my family and I. May we pause for a moment of silence for those lives lost. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."John 15:13 Some families have experienced the ultimate sacrifice in losing their loved ones. My heart goes out to you. I will be eternally grateful for their sacrifice. Blessings, Susan

A Tribute to My Beloved FIL! (R.I.P.)

AUTHOR'S NOTE : This entry is in memory of my father-in-law, a proud veteran, all deceased veterans, and in honor of other veterans, as well as our current military who are presently serving our country whereever you might be, but most especially those of you in Iraq. You should have turned 86 today, Dad. Instead, we are mourning your death. At the same time, we continue to rejoice that you are no longer suffering and have gone on to a better place. I still feel so honored to have been the one out of our very large family to have stayed by your bedside all night long the night before you left us. I adored you and I know the feeling was mutual. I also feel honored to have been holding your hand when you took your last breath on this earth the next night. Leslie, one of your many granddaughter's, was holding your other hand, and some of your grandchildren and another daughter-in-law were also gathered around you with other family in the living room and kitchen. Those of us in y...

About Our New President...

I am a republican and I am proud of it. I did not vote for Bill Clinton when he was elected, but neither did I bash him while he was in office like a lot of Democrats have done who did not vote for President Bush. President Clinton had a rather likeable personality with lots of charm and charisma. Even some of the Republicans who voted for President Bush have changed their tune since he has been in office and are blaming him for everything that has gone wrong in our country. I am sick to death of the Bush-bashers. Let those who have bashed him walk in his shoes for a little while and see how easy it is to run a country! I do think President Bush has received a lot of the blame for policies President Clinton put into effect while he was in office that are still in effect now. Am I saying I think President Bush did everything right? No, I am not, but I do think he deserved us, as Americans, to be on our knees in prayer for him that he would make the right choices for America. After all,...

I am...

very disappointed in America and this election. I feel like she has turned her back on God. I just have one thing to say: GOD HELP US!~

Sometimes, ya gotta stop and smell the roses...literally!~

Today was such a nice day weatherwise and otherwise here in the deep south. I am a homebody and don't really get out that much. I have written about moving several times, but in case you are a new reader, I will fill you in. We moved back to our home state of Alabama from Colorado in March of 2005 to help our son pick up the pieces of his life after his wife left him. He had bought the house we previously lived in before the move from my father-in-law (we had rented it from Dad, we never owned it). We moved in with him per his request after we moved back from Colorado to help him deal with the pain he was going through after his wife walked out on him. He sold his house last November and now he is living with us in a very nice mobile home park just down the road from where his house was. He had sold the house to his supervisor. His supervisor was letting us still store things there because our storage unit is full, but he is not keeping the house, so we are having to get the rest o...