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I am...

very disappointed in America and this election. I feel like she has turned her back on God. I just have one thing to say: GOD HELP US!~


Lippy said…
Hey there,

Let's hope He does.
I think that the right choice was made and the future will be much better. Relax and sit back and wait and see what happens...
Linda's World said…
Susan, I'm with you. I sent out an email last night with the same words...God help us. However, I do know that God is still on his throne and he knew the results before we did. It is sad that we continue to slip away from the godly principals that the country was founded on. As Christians it's now our job to be on our knees praying for our new president. Linda in WA
Dornbrau said…
I was and still am disappointed but I am optimistic. Just remember... we didn't want to leave AOL Journals either but we had to and it was probably the best move we all as bloggers could have made. Who knows, something good may come out of this. If not, I'm going to hold the biggest, kick-assest 'I Told You So!' party.
(what kind of president picks and chooses when he wants to publicly show respect to the nation's flag? Come on! This is a full time job!)
Gigi said…
I'm with ya.. It was very disapointing, but whats done is done. And now we just have to make the best of it.. And all we can do is pray...

I just can't believe that american's who
built this country on christian beliefs have now put a man with muslum beliefs at the helm.. It's scary... I believe everyone better look up to the good lord now more than ever...
Troubling times are ahead....

Take care :-)
Saltydawg said…
I cannot believe that post 5 (nerves 05) is a Christian after reading what she wrote. I think he needs a chance to show his worth.
I also believe that God will help him make the right choices, not not the Koran.
betty said…
Susan; my pastor preached an awesome sermon this past weekend about the upcoming election; here's one thing that stuck with me; there are 30% evangelical Christians in the United States; should we be surprised at how nonbelievers vote?? when you look at it that way; I'm not surprised at how this turned out; I even predicted it to my hubby about 2 weeks before the election and although I did not vote for him, I will support him and pray for him and his success. Our only hope is in the Lord; so glad, like Linda said, and always a line of mine, the Lord is in control; he is still on his throne, and this did not catch him by surprise.

Missie said…
I agree! God Help Us!

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