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About Our New President...

I am a republican and I am proud of it.

I did not vote for Bill Clinton when he was elected, but neither did I bash him while he was in office like a lot of Democrats have done who did not vote for President Bush. President Clinton had a rather likeable personality with lots of charm and charisma. Even some of the Republicans who voted for President Bush have changed their tune since he has been in office and are blaming him for everything that has gone wrong in our country. I am sick to death of the Bush-bashers. Let those who have bashed him walk in his shoes for a little while and see how easy it is to run a country! I do think President Bush has received a lot of the blame for policies President Clinton put into effect while he was in office that are still in effect now. Am I saying I think President Bush did everything right? No, I am not, but I do think he deserved us, as Americans, to be on our knees in prayer for him that he would make the right choices for America. After all, America was founded on Godly principles instead of bashing him every chance we get.

The main things I like about President Bush is the fact that he is a Christian and he prays for guidance in leading our country. I also like the fact that he backed up what he said when Saddam Hussein didn't comply. Yes, I support the war in Iraq. I know not everybody feels the way I do and it makes me angry that there are people out there who don't support it. I want to ask them if they have forgotten what happened to our country on September 11th, 2001? To our Pentagon? To the people who lost their lives on Flight 93? It makes me feel like all of the soldiers who have lost their lives in this war have died in vain. Do the nonsupporters want this war to be on our soil? I have heard Obama talking about bringing our troops home. Of course, we all want our troops home, but unfortunately freedom is not free. Bringing our troops home too soon is going to undo everything that has been done over there. I don't mind telling you the thought of that scares the hell outta me (pardon my "French") because I don't want that war on our soil.

I am still praying Osama Bin Ladin will be found while Bush is in office and brought to justice just like Saddam Hussein was.

No, President Obama was not my choice, and I am terrified of some of the things I have heard come out of his mouth. I could not vote for a man who is prochoice to be the leader of my country because being a Christian, I strongly feel abortion is murder (yes, even in the case of rape because it is not the childs fault and that baby can be put up for adoption and given to a family who might not otherwise be able to have children); however, I will not be an Obama-basher. What I will be is down on my knees praying for God to give President Obama and his administration the wisdom they need to guide America in the upcoming four years. Hope you will join me in doing the same!~


Linda's World said…
Amen Susan ! Very well said. One thing the "Bush bashers" tend to forget is that Pres Clinton had a chance to get Osama Bin Laden when he was president and he didn't. Also, people forget that the President can't just go do what he wants ~ he has the Senators and Congress to deal with. And lately they have been mostly Democrats. So they are the ones mostly responsible for policy making. Linda in Washington
Tawnya said…
I agree with you totally!!! Clinton had a deal to get Osama Bin Laden and decided to let him go, then 9/11 happened and it was blamed on Bush. Doug works at Home Depot and he asked a guy what will be there excuse if something goes wrong while Obama is President, will he still blame Bush and the guy said 'yes'. Pretty sad. Oh, I wanted to let you know I love the pic on your entry and well, I am stealing it!!!!
Robin said…
"Democrats...brave enough to kill our unborn babies but not our enemies."

On my knees right beside you...what we need now is a LOT of praying.
Gigi said…

..... said…
Well said, Susan!! I totally feel the same as you and many others.
May God help us all!!
betty said…
praying here


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