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Showing posts from December, 2008

He's fine!~

Thanks for all the prayers/good thoughts going up for Brice! They really paid off. He does NOT have meningitis and will be going home tomorrow. PRAISE GOD! We have been truly blessed. Happy New Year!~ Susan


We have been told my new great nephew, Brice, may have meningitis. He has been running a fever. Please keep him in your prayers. Also keep his Mom, April, in your prayers. She is very depressed over this. Will keep you updated as I find out information. Thanks so much in advance! Blessings!~ Susan

I have pics of Brice Finally!~

Happy New Year!~ Susan

He's Here!~

My new great nephew (1st great on my side) is here! He was born today, December 27th, at 1:24 PM. His name is Aiden Brice and he will be called Brice. He weighed in at 7'11" and was 20 inches long. He is beautiful! I will be posting pics as soon as I can remember where the camera cord is. On a sad note, the baby's paternal grandmother, Bonnie, died just a few days ago,so she did not get to see him. We believe she has a good view from Heaven though, but please keep the Conway family in your prayers. Also, pray for mother and baby. Pray for April that she will heal quickly and for Brice that he will stay healthy. If you do not pray, you can hold good thoughts for them all. Thanks in advance!~ Susan

Merry Christmas!~

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Ours has been very nice. We hope all of you had a nice one too. We recieved yet another CHRISTmas miracle. We had a visitor yesterday morning. He and his wife said God had been dealing with them and told them we needed money and He wanted them to give us some. He handed my husband a wad of $20.00 bills. It made our Christmas much nicer because I had not bought anything. I was able to buy my daughter a few things she wanted and I was able to go to the grocery store to buy food to take to first my MIL's and then to my cousin's for my family's Christmas. It was a very nice day. I do have pictures. Will post them soon!~ Happy New Year!~ Susan

CHRISTmas Miracles Do Happen!~

Our family, tonight, was the recipient of a CHRISTmas Miracle. We were watching TV, the story of Mark David Chapman, the man who shot John Lennon, when we received a knock on our door. It was two of my nephews and a great nephew with two HUGE boxes. I asked them what they were doing, they said, "Delivering your CHRISTmas." It was so unexpected, I didn't know what to say. Nobody really knows the extent of how bad things have been for us lately. We have lived off of boxed mac and cheese mixed with tuna or Rice-A-Roni mixed with a small can of chicken. Some nights, we might have pasta, but without the meat. We have had egg sandwiches and grilled cheese sandwiches. I have actually lost about 8 pounds, which I needed to lose, but I do not recommend doing it this way. I hugged my nephews and told them thank you. They told us Merry CHRISTmas and left. It was just that quick. When I opened the boxes, there were wrapped gifts. I did not have one gift under our tree for either of ...

16 Things

I was tagged by a friend on Facebook. I'm not tagging anybody here, if you want to do it, just do it and send me a comment that you did it so I can read your answers. Rules:Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you and if you've done this already I want you to know me. 1) I'm a night owl. 2) I'm kind of OCD about certain things. 3) I want all my closet doors closed in my home before I can go to sleep. 4) I loved Twilight and am glad my daughter got me to read all four of the books. The movie rocked. 5) I bite my nails almost every hour of every day..and have done so since I was old enough to chew! 6) I want to finish my book. 7) I can't stand it when people don't like me or when I make someone mad at me. 8) I love listening to music. 9) I devour...

Twas The Month Before Christmas

T'was the month before Christmas When all through our land, Not a Christian was praying Nor taking a stand. See the PC Police had taken away, The reason for Christmas - no one could say. The children were told by their schools not to sing, About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things. It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say December 25th is just a ' Holiday '. Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit, Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it! CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod, Something was changing, something quite odd! Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa, In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda. As Targets were hanging their trees upside down, At Lowe's the word Christmas - was nowhere to be found. At K-Mart and Staples and Penney's and Sears, You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears. Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty are words that were used to intimidate me. Now Daschle, Now ...

Real People-Real Blogs Award

Thank you Missie from Liz (bethjunebug), for passing this wonderful blog award to me! Now, it's my turn to pass it along. Here are the rules:- 1. Please put the logo on your journal - Real People - Real Blogs. 2. Place a link from the person, from whom you received the award. 3. Nominate at least 7 if you can. 4. Put the links of those on your journal. 5. Leave a message on their journal to let them know. 6. Put the award on your sidebar/journal. It was very hard to pick from all the great blogs out there, but I narrowed it down after much hemming and hawing. So, without further adieu, here are my picks: 1. Amy from picked Amy because she keeps me in stitches with her wit and when I am down she is awesome at giving me advice. She loves animals like I do and was one of the first friends I met in J-Land. 2. Lori from always keeps us entertained with her busy life. ...


We were supposed to decorate our tree today. Hubby and I went to our storage unit earlier to get it and couldn't find it only to remember that we had donated it to charity last year. ::sigh:: It had been well used and had a bit of a hole in it, but we always turned that part toward the back. Neither of us are currently working, so no income. We decided we would go to the woods on our family's land to look for a tree. I picked Carebear up from school and drove to my MIL's house and she and I got out to walk through the woods to see what we could find. At one point, there was a nice wide path through the woods, toward the back of our family property, which led to somebody else's land, and it was soooooo pretty back there. I've never noticed it before even though I have walked by that same path numerous times. I guess it is really only visible around this time of year. My Carebear stayed on the regular path on our land, but I veered off and followed that wide...

Cleanliness IS Next to Godliness!~

I have discovered just this morning there is a reason they say that cleanliness is next to godliness. I have been sick with a pretty bad upper respiratory infection for the last 2-3 weeks. It's amazing how something like that can really beat you down not just physically, but emotionally as well. Yesterday is the first day in about three weeks that I have had any energy at all. I tend to be a bit of a neat freak and being sick, things had gotten so out of order it was making me feel really depressed, so when I got up yesterday morning, I got up with a mission in mind, to get my "castle" back in order and I commenced to doing just that. I started with my daughter's room, which is on one end of our mobile home and worked my way forward. I reorganized her bedroom to hopefully make it easier for her to keep clean, I reorganized her bathroom and cleaned it. I skipped over my office because I knew that was going to take a while, so I saved it for last. I moved on to ...