Thank you Missie from Liz (bethjunebug), for passing this wonderful blog award to me! Now, it's my turn to pass it along.
Here are the rules:-
1. Please put the logo on your journal - Real People - Real Blogs.
2. Place a link from the person, from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 if you can.
4. Put the links of those on your journal.
5. Leave a message on their journal to let them know.
6. Put the award on your sidebar/journal.
It was very hard to pick from all the great blogs out there, but I narrowed it down after much hemming and hawing. So, without further adieu, here are my picks:
1. Amy from picked Amy because she keeps me in stitches with her wit and when I am down she is awesome at giving me advice. She loves animals like I do and was one of the first friends I met in J-Land.
2. Lori from always keeps us entertained with her busy life. I love hearing about her family, her fur babies, and especially that beautiful new grandbaby!~
3. Helen from picked Helen because I love her beautiful pictures, she lives in my home state, and she was also one of my first friends in J-Land. She and Ken have had some physical ailments, but they are troopers and keep on keepin' on.
4. Tawnya from is a new follower of my journal. She has been through some adversity in her life and has faced it with dignity and grace and had the guts to start a new life. I admire her for that. I hope some of you will take the time to visit her and welcome her.
5. Lisa at admire Lisa because she also faces a lot of adversity in her life medically as I do, but she keeps on keeping on. She is an inspiration to me.
6. Liz in Virginia from has also faced a lot of adversity in her life, but she is a trooper and has come through it. Her blog is an inspiration to me as well. Please check her out!~
7. And last, but certainly not least, I pick Amanda from is also a follower of my blog. She has faced a lot of adversity in her life also, but she gives God the glory and praise for it anyway. Her political views and mine are a lot a like. Drop by and say hi, won't you?
There are so many other wonderful blogs out there that really deserve to be picked, but I was told the rules are I could only pick seven, so there you have it. There are other followers of my blog who have also faced a lot of adversity in their lives and they very much deserve the award. Hope you will take time to visit each one on my list. They are some amazing people and my life has been enriched just getting to know them.
Merry Christmas!~
I will add this award to my blog. Again, Thank you!