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What Did CJ Do On New Years Eve You Ask?

Why silly, she made fondant and baked a cake! It took 7 hours, yes, you are reading right, 7 hours to bake this cake. Well actually, making the fondant is what took so long. It is made from marshmellows and powdered sugar from what I understand. I was thinking, "Hope she cleans up her mess." She was so sore she could hardly move. Especially her wrists from mixing up that fondant, but her legs and feet too from standing so long.

You see what I have to put up with! She actually threatened me with fondant and I am totally innocent. I did nothing to deserve it. Really, I did really. Would I lie? ::susan grins evilly:: If she ever decides to make this again, I am going to be sure I am on vacation or something and you can come over and help her. She's actually considering culinary school. She loves that show, The Ace of Cakes, with Chef Duff.

The finished product? It tasted wonderful!~

Brice is finally home safe and sound. Thanks so much for the prayers for him!~

Happy New Year!~


Missie said…
The cake looks wonderful!
Saltydawg said…
Happy New Year to you Susan, I need to get back into reading everyones blogs.
I hope the sun shines on you and your lovely family.
Gaz x
aims said…
Wow, looks like she did an awesome job! And it's very pretty. Almost too pretty to eat.
krissy knox said…
Hi. It's Krissy. Sorry I haven't been by. It's been crazy. John's been sick a lot again. I haven't blogged about it or told Jland much because I didn't want to worry them. I got a remark from someone who said something like, "you all don't know the roller coaster you put us through." I felt so bad, so I decided for awhile I wouldn't mention if he got real sick again, and that I wouldn't mention the ups and downs if it was a roller coaster and he almost dies. I will just tell you all when it is all over, so nobody gets scared. Well here I am, he made it through after a few close calls. And he is doing just fine right now. Let's pray he stays that way. Why am I telling you all this? To say why I haven't had time to be to people's blogs.

Yours looks absolutely beautiful, by the way! And that cake your daughter makes is beautiful! You know, she could sell those and make money! That cake is professional looking -- I have seen them made for weddings like that, and they went for a lot of money!

Okay, gotta run. John and I are celebrating his birthday today, as we were very busy yesterday and didn't get to celebrate much. I am making him baked ziti and some other things. Then we'll have carrot cake and ice cream.

If you feel like coming by my blog tonight I will have a blog post done. I haven't posted in awhile because I have had trouble with Blogger. Looks like you have been doing fine. Your blog is absolutely beautiful. I am leaving you my blog address and the URL to the blog directory I am creating for jlanders in case you haven't already signed it. Please sign up if you haven't. Thanks!

krissy knox :)
my main blog: Sometimes I Think
Hey Jlanders! Please post your blogs in the Directory of Blogs: from jland to blogger
Follow me on Twitter:
Lisa said…
Happy New Year Susan... glad you survived the cake ordeal... sounds delicious!!

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