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Prayers Needed!~

Tony and his son, Joshua.

My brother-in-law, Tony, was in a bad motorcycle accident today. He has multiple injuries and is currently in ICU.

Also, I may not be on much for a bit. Am having some health issues of my own. I would ask that you remember me and my family in your prayers as well. Sorry I have been so neglectful of you all lately. I hope to make it up ASAP.

Lots of love!~



Cindi said…
consider it done!
LYN said…
kelly said…
Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law.
My thoughts and my prayers go out to all of you, we'll be here waiting for your return. take care~
Dutch said…
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
Helen said…
SEnding up prayers for both of you Susan. Hugs, Helen
Linda's World said…
Prayed for him and the family last night...please keep us updated on his comdition. Take care Susan. Linda in Washington state
Unknown said…
Of course you have my heart felt support and prayers. I will light a candle for both you and your brother. Do what you can, but remember to take care of yourself, and we'll see you back on the Blos when you can return. ......Kittie
Missie said…
He's in my prayers and so are you!
Char said…
You betcha! Prayers for all of you.
Take care.
Maria-K. said…
Will say a prayer for your brother in law and of course for you. Will keep you in my thoughts. Wishing you all the best!
Linda :) said…
I've been thinking of you.... many special thoughts for you and yours....

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