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Happy Belated Easter!

Photo: My daughter in Easter Bunny costume. She had a job as the Easter Bunny at our local mall. She is holding my great nephew, Brice. This was the very first time she had held him.
Sorry, I know it's belated, but my computer has been down. Hope all of you had a wonderful Easter. We went to my Mom's and had a wonderful dinner. No kids on my side anymore, so there was no egg hunt. Later, we went to my Mother-in-law's for a nice visit. My daughter expressed her sorrow later that we didn't color any eggs. She's 16! How did I know she wanted to color some? She needs to speak up! Her best friend's Mom did an Easter basket for her two daughters. I usually do one for my kids still, even though they are 26 and 16, but didn't have the money. :-( I did give her a few dollars to buy some pants she wanted that were on sale at Hot Topic. All in all, it was a very nice day and I am grateful I wasn't sick like on Thanksgiving when I wasn't even able to participate! :-P




Missie said…
I'm glad you had a nice Easter! Belated or not, it's good to read a post from you!
mtrib2 said…
I am happy that you were healthy for Easter and able to enjoy it with your families. I moved the old Toyota I wrote you about so the road is clear now for my neighbor to work on. I am glad as I can start on my own things now and work on cleaning the rest of what I inherited from the former owner of my property as far as needing removal. I thank you for your concern about Salty and I will let the lawyer's office advise me on what to do next. mark
Lisa said…
Happy Belated Easter to you also Susan! We didn't color eggs this year either.
Lisa in KY

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