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Community Photo Challenge-Tree

My Fav

I have a tree fetish, so I was very excited to see that the community photo challenge this month was Tree. Ansel Adams is my favorite photographer. I have two of his prints on my living room wall, along with several other pieces of tree art. I believe the other two are done in ink. Anyway, we got snow on February 12th. I was standing inside my backdoor looking out at the pretty snow and decided to try the bottom shot through the glass on the door. I was very pleased with how it turned out. It is definitely my favorite. It almost looks like I photoshopped a frame around it, but I promise I didn't. The two pics of the singular tree are the tree in my front yard. One was taken on the actual snow day and the next one was taken the day after it snowed after the sun came out. I love the difference in the contrast. The top one is just of a group of trees with snow. We so rarely get snow this far south, so I'm so glad I got out to get these shots so I had them for the photo challenge! :)

Happy Photographing!



Killara girl said…
these are wonderful monotones...esp the top one. it's funny i had so much so the last thing i want was snowy tree! they are great to photograph. thanks for stopping by!
Tawnya said…
The pictures are great!! I love them!
MariesImages said…
These are beautiful....I believe trees really show off their wonderful unique forms in the winter against the snow!
Thanks for joining!!!
Julie said…
Great shots and I love the framing on the last shot.
Martha said…
Excellent shots! Love the last one, my favorite too :-)
Connie said…
Winter trees always gives me the "It's A Wonderful Life" kinda feeling.
Lovely shots!!
Carley said…
is there some photo challenge going on somewhere, I have 2 other ppl on my blogger who are doing the same thing.. hmmmm
Anonymous said…
All of them are very nice! :) Love the last one
nancy said…
Hello, look like everybody went on the theme of winter for their tree challenge. I went with the Autmn. Love the last one. Have a good weekend. Nancy
Vicki said…
Susan, you have a wonderful collection of tree images here...glad you shared them with us!
mtrib2 said…
I like the B/W image the best and thought of Ansel Adams when viewing it. It makes the entire scene appear more overcast and cold feeling. It also lends to the branches being the subject matter and center of focus. I don't get around to Facebook anymore and am not on the computer much. I bought a new printer to print large format (13 by 19 inch) prints from HP. It was on sale but I had to send the first one back and now I have sent in a old one for a rebate. It cost less for the printer than it did for the paper and inks after rebate for recycling the old HP printer. It has seperate ink tanks and can read each level of ink so I only replace the one that is empty. mark/Salty

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