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Big Brother aka The Torturer

Thanksgiving day wasn't a total loss. Although I spent part of it in bed and the other part on the sofa, the end of the day was quite nice actually. I got better, so I was able to finally hold some food down. My family went on to my MIL's without me. It is the first Thanksgiving in I don't know when that I didn't fix anything to contribute to Thanksgiving dinner, but I just wasn't able. After my husband and children went to my MIL's for food and fellowship, they brought me back all kinds of goodies. I ate very lightly, so as not to "lose" my food yet again and we spent the rest of the evening watching Newhart reruns in front of the tube as a family, so the end of the day was quite nice for me even though I didn't get to participate in the family festivities at my MIL's. She is very fragile and I didn't want to take the chance of making her sick.


Tonight, I was in my office on the computer and I hear screams coming from my baby girl. "MOM! HELP ME! PLEASE! MOOOOOOM!"

This is familiar to me, almost a daily ritual in my house. I wish I could just tape it and you could see for yourself. It is quite funny, but I don't know that I can convey that to you.

Let me explain. My daughter is a germaphobic. My son, who is 10 years older, takes great pleasure in taunting her. Like last night, for instance, he took off his dirty smelly sock and threw it at my daughter. The sock hits her on her shoulder and she screams to the very top of her lungs, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! NOOOOOOOO, YOU DIDN'T!"

My son, of course, has broken up into gales of laughter. My daughter jumps up and gets a bottle of her sanitizer and is rubbing it profusely on her shoulder and neck where the sock had hit her.

I look at my son and say, "Why do you love taunting your sister so?"

He is still laughing his head off and says,"She just makes it soooooooo easy."


Again, I go into the living room as I have done many times before and he is tickling the back of her neck and taunting her saying stuff to her like, "Just tell yourself it doesn't tickle."

He's trying to make out like he wants to end the war (yeah right) and get her to trust him, even offers to shake on it, which she refuses. When he asks her why she says, "Because I don't trust you!"

He is still laughing his head off and in a taunting voice says, "But why?"

She says, "Because you are you!"

Yep, that says it all. She's right not to trust him.

At this point, he walks away laughing down the hall and into the bathroom and we hear a loud, "OW!"

He apparently had run into the door knob. I told him that was part of his payback for taunting his sister and we all laughed.

I LIVE for these times with my family. I am so glad my daughter and my son have such a great relationship. Now, if we could just get him to quit playing big bad brother in her love life, but that's a different story. Yes, I am guilty as well, but we are trying to turn over new leaves so to speak. It's just so hard to accept that she is growing up and doesn't need us quite so much anymore.

My son is supposedly moving out in a couple of weeks. I have a feeling my baby girl is going to miss her brother, the torturer.

Gearing up for the Iron Bowl, which is about to start. Our house is divided. Then men pull for Auburn the women for Alabama. BIG rivalry here in the south. I just have one thing to say: ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE!~


D said…
glad you're feeling a bit better... I remember that teasing. LOL
Heather said…
I will never forget the Christmas that I had the flu... hope you feel better soon!

I love your background... I may have to copy it!

Missie said…
I glad your feeling a little better. Being sick on a holiday is no fun for anyone.
Tawnya said…
I am glad that you are feeling better!! I am sure that your daughter will miss her big brother when he is gone... I know that I miss mine...
Lippy said…
I'm glad that you're feeling better and that your son is doing his part to keep things fun (even if not for his sister!)

Keep getting better. You'll get 'em next year!
Anonymous said…
well we are Bama/Tiger fans also..unless they are playing Kentucky Wildcats..but took on Bama over Tigers...and they DID!!! so hubby was a happy camper...being a Bama boy that he is...born and raised...then this Yankee came along and brought him North was fun...but well you can take the man our of the south..but you CANNOT take the south out of the man!!!! LOL.. It sounds like there is never a dull moment in your house...kinda sorta the way I grew up...!!!! God Bless...hugs...Ora in KY ps..sure glad you are feeling better!!
Lisa said…
So glad you are feeling better and I really enjoyed the story of big brother and his tortures to sister. This reminds me of Nick, Aaron and Courtney. Mostly Nick tortures Aaron.
Celeste said…
love the brother sister relationships!
Monica said…
The story of your son and daughter took me back to when mine three were at home! The good ole days. However it is nice and quiet now.

I'm glad you are feeling better. It's not fun being sick and especially so during the holidays.

LYN said…
Lori J said…
Hope that you are feeling better.

Just reading about your kids took me back memory lane with my children.

Blessings to you and yours.

Alberta LORI

PS Stop by sometime and say hello

Linda :) said…
Glad you're feeling better....
I called my brother on Thanksgiving, didn't realize how much I miss him... :)

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