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All Done!~

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, I thought I would use one of Sugar's graphics. Hopefully, it will remind us to do our self examination and bring about awareness for breast cancer.

I got all my journals transferred, except for my photo journal. Doesn't look like my photos transferred well in any of my journals so I didn't see the point. I will redo it at some point and time when I have a few minutes, but don't hold your breath! The one thing I did like better on AOL was the cool way we could display our photos. Wish they would to that here. I still have a few things to figure out, but have settled in quite nicely. The main thing is I have to figure out how to merge my Old Country Living Southern Style with my new one. I had already recreated it over here before I learned they were going to figure out a way to transfer them and it didn't automatically join with my new one. They sent me instructions on how to do it, but I don't understand them. Don't they know I am computer illiterate? Now, if they could figure out a way to transfer AOL pictures to Picasa, everything would be coming up roses! I have saved them to my computer, but sadly it has a virus. I am currently using my work computer until I can get my home PC in the shop. I hope they can retrieve my data like they did before when I thought all was lost. Anyway, I am here and am getting settled in. Hope they will add some of the features here that AOL had to make us feel more at home.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!~



Robin said…
Congrats on the transfer...I just finished mine too. Whew!

How did you get the fall background on here? I like how it stays still while the words move. Very cool.
~Ann~ said…
I'm glad u were able to transfer. I couldnt get mine to work. Oh well at least I am over here. LOL

What a learning experience.

I see pink everywhere. I think its great that there is an awarness going on for breast cancer. Besides, I love pink :)

Have a great night
Astaryth said…
I see that you already know about Picassa... they have some cute options for display. Also check out Photobucket. I'm using one of their free accounts to transfer all of my FTP stuff from Hometown to. They also offer some interesting ways to use your pictures. I'm going to start using that Flickr account I've had laying around for a couple of years for my still pics and there are some interesting things you can do over there also. Eh, I think we are going to find this a MUCH better venue than AOL Journals in the end... it's just the learning curve ;p If there is anything I can help with, just ask!
Bookncoffee said…
Glad you got most of your things transferred. I only got one to go thru. My big one won't. But I'll keep trying. I'm handcopying some of the entries though that I don't want to lose. I'm half way thru 5 years.

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