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I have learned why I have pretty much become a hermit and keep to myself. I obviously don't have sense enough to socialize or be in public. I never seem to say the right things. Is there not anybody out there that understands me and won't judge me? Is there anybody I can talk around without fear of saying the wrong thing and being misunderstood? That knows me well enough to know I do not have a mean bone in my body, and that knows I am a good person, a person worth knowing. I am repeatedly told I get too involved. If I do, it's because I care. Why does that always have to be such a bad thing?

We went to Wal-Mart today to pick up a few things. My son and daughter were with me. He kept getting on to me for getting in people's way. I was oblivious. They were getting angry with me. It sux to be sick and not have a brain anymore.

I will be driving and have blank-outs. Notice I did not say black out, I said blank-out. Everything I know will just leave me, my mind just goes blank. My daughter has been with me in the truck now three different times when this happens to me. I will forget simple things like what lane I am supposed to go into when turning. One day she was with me and I was turning into Tiger Town. We had just gotten off the interstate. I couldn't remember what to do and panicked and wound up on the curb. It only lasts 20-30 seconds, but it is enough that something bad could happen. I could never forgive myself if I caused an accident that maimed or killed someone, especially if that someone happened to be my daughter whom I love with all my heart and soul.

In another incident, I was supposed to meet my husband one day to take him something he had left behind at home. I got off the wrong exit thinking I was at the Tiger Town exit. I couldn't figure out why the road didn't go across like I needed it to. I didn't even know where I was. Nevermind that I was born and raised here. I know this place like I know the back of my hand when I am in my "right" mind. Thankfully, after I turned and saw Angels' Antiques, I knew where I was and I turned around and got back on the interstate. I asked my daughter not to say anything to my husband about my faux pas. I didn't want to worry him.

I was headed to pick up my son one day from work. Have been to Barker's Crest many times to pick him up AND my husband. Hubby is a carpenter, son is an electrician. I was going to Hamilton Road when I blanked again and I was thinking I am not on the right road. This road comes out at Chewacla Park. I don't know where to go to pick him up. I was on the right road, I just didn't have to go as far down as Chewacla. I do know this, but for those few moments, I didn't.

Just the other day, my daughter and I were going to meet a friend of hers at Tiger Town. I was getting on the interstate at exit 62. I am very familiar with that exit because when I worked for both JCPenney and EAMC, it is the exit I always took to go home. I was turning to get onto the interstate, and again, my mind blanked out on what lane I was supposed to be in. I didn't say anything to my daughter. I was veering into the other lane and when I realized I was all up on somebody and I eased my truck back over into the lane I was really supposed to be in. Yeah, I think I probably need to stop driving.

With my work, I am having problems as well. I got wrote up for not punching in/out correctly and not meeting production. I was fulltime, but had to revert to parttime because I cannot hold out to do fulltime anymore. My joints hurt so badly after that long, I can hardly get up out of my chair. If they are not hurting, then they are numb and tingling. Because I am a parttime medical transcriptionist, I am required to type 8 reports an hour. I used to average between 85-167 reports a day when I worked fulltime. Now, I am lucky to reach 20. That is how bad I am. I now have to submit medical documentation from my doctor saying I have cognitive issues (I offered this before when I went back to work for this company, but they said they didn't need it). To save my job, they have offered me a medical leave of absence. If I do not get any better, how is a medical leave going to help?

I am writing about this because maybe there is someone else out there who has my symptoms that can point me in the right direction. I am so tired of getting diagnosed incorrectly. Perhaps, with the right treatment, I could get better. A lot of things there are no cures for, but are treatable like my hypothyroidism. It would make me very depressed to know I had to live like this for the rest of my life.

I was so afraid I was getting early onset Alzheimers. My doc says no, he thinks multiple sclerosis. Like that is any better? :-(


Amy said…
hey love, have you thought about applying for disability?! I'm pretty sure you could get it!!
Marlene said…
Did you ever hear of Brain Fog. I think it occurs from Menapause or side effects of some medications. Google Brain Fog and see what you can find out. Marlene
Missie said…
The first thing you need to do is get a brain MRI!!
Unknown said…
I am so sorry you're going through this. There is nothing more frustrating than being sick and not knowing for sure what's wrong. You ought to be eligible for disability. It can't hurt to try.
And PlEASE make use of my phone number. I am going to email it to you, so watch your email, okay? MY email address isn't anymore.
My current email address is Please enter it into your address book and email me so I have your right address. Call me any time..and email me as well. I'll get back to you soon as I can. I promise.
Oh my goodness you are lucky not to have been hurt somewhere. I hope you find out what is happening soon. I'm sorry I have no clue, but scares me that you are driving. Yes, your husband needs to know what is happening.
Hope someone has some suggestions for you. Prayers going out to you.
Hugs, Chrissie
Aww Susan, I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. Yes, please stop driving and tell hubby and son to get off your back about being in peoples way at Walmart, you have just as much right to be there as them!
Cindi said…
Make a dr appt...see what they say...good luck...wishing for the best
lisa said…
i do not have any medical advice but i send you a huge hug and prayers. I am so very sorry you are going thru all of this. XO
aims said…
hello hon, me again and again, I can relate. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Let me ask you, are you taking Protonix or any kind of acid reducer like that? I was taking it for acid reflux disease a few years ago. It really helped my acid problem but it did a number on my brain. I got to the point I didn't think I should drive, too. I would have to pull over and gather my thoughts and try to remember where the heck I was going. I would sit there and cry my eyes out. Then one day I did a search on Protonix (sp?) and sure enough, brain fog was one of the side effects. I weaned myself off of that and my memory has improved a great deal but sometimes I have my "moments" of brain fog. My neighbor told me she did the same thing when she was in the beginning stages of menopause and it passed and mine will, too. I sure hope so. I wish I had more answers for you but I'm here to listen and also relate. You take care and keep us posted.
Char said…
My sister had similar issues and through a brain MRI it was discovered she had fluid on the brain. She had surgery where they installed a pump/shunt to allow it to drain. PLEASE get a brain MRI!
Wishing you the best!
Lisa said…
It could be that you are on overload like me... LOL you and I are doing the same things. I forget what I'm doing sometimes and what I set out to do and yes I get oblivious to what's going on at times. I just get so deep in thought about how to help my family and my loved ones....
Bookncoffee said…
I'm sorry too that these things are happening. You might want to have a 2nd opinion or keep pressing the doctors to run more tests. ARe you on medication of any sorts? Sometimes meds can do exactly the things you are describing.
Anonymous said…
Sweetie you need help, its not enough that your DR.thinks it might be ms,what ever, you need tests and sort out, do not be afraid to talk to yoyr husband ask him to help you find the right run tests, it is possible that you sre short on some chemicals your brain needs, think how devistated your family would be if you had an accident, please get help, thinking of you
Goatfarmer said…
Susan, Praying you find some answers and that the Lord watch over and protect you

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