Graphic courtesy of my friend, Linda (fasttrack58)
Conversation between Hubby and me:
HUBBY: "Where is my wife? I want my wife back."
ME: "I don't know. I want her back too!"
Since this thing called menopause has settled into my life, I am so not the sweet humble person people are used to. For several years now I have been "losing" myself. Menopause has made me evil, and the kicker is I really cannot help it. Not only has it changed my personality, but I have the mouth of a sailor. I am sure my minister Father has turned over several times in his grave. Even my own mother has commented on it. I am so not proud of it. It has gotten to where I am afraid to leave my house because I am afraid I will go off on somebody and live to regret it or greatly embarrass myself.
My husband went with me a little while back to the vet to pick up one of our animals. I had gone off on the receptionist earlier in the day, but profusely apologized to her later. I explained that I am dealing with hypothyroidism, a vitamin D deficiency, plantar fasciitis in both feet, high cholesterol, AND on top of all that, MENOPAUSE. To top that off, my doc thinks I might have multiple sclerosis. I tell you, when I hit my 40's, I started falling apart!
My personality started changing about two years ago and not for the better either. I am surprised I have any friends left at all, but fortunately for me, most of my friends are my age and are dealing with the same thing, so they are more understanding.
The lady at the vet, Cindy, she told my husband she was like that too when she went through it. She said she got into it with a lady at the grocery store one time and her husband had to hold her off the lady. Sadly, he could not deal with her personality change and they went through a divorce! She told my husband, believe her when she says she truly cannot help it, but the good news is it doesn't last forever.
Now, I have always been a person who believed in taking responsibility for my actions, but this is something I was totally unprepared for. My friends who have already been through it and are on the other side say when I am considered postmenopausal (which will be between Thankgiving and Christmas if I counted right) I will feel like a new woman. I just want my friends that told me this to know I am holding you to that and PLEASE LORD LET IT BE SO!!!!!!!! I WANT ME BACK!
Happy Blogging!~
Big Hugs!!!!!
I like you just the way you are.
I think the older we get the more we feel we have license to say what we want and demand that other's hear it. lol. And when we don't feel good on top of that - there is less inhibition to put a lid on it. I'm sure your family will understand - or not - but you can at least tell them you have a good excuse. ha ha.
Life's a bitch sometimes. Hang in and say bad words now & then!
I'm so sorry, Susan; I know it is tougher on some than others
hugs to you
I guess my prayers got answered as I never had hot flashes or any of the other things that I hear women talk about. I hope you get yourself back soon and that you are feeling normal once again.