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16 Things

I was tagged by a friend on Facebook. I'm not tagging anybody here, if you want to do it, just do it and send me a comment that you did it so I can read your answers.

Rules:Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you and if you've done this already I want you to know me.

1) I'm a night owl.

2) I'm kind of OCD about certain things.

3) I want all my closet doors closed in my home before I can go to sleep.

4) I loved Twilight and am glad my daughter got me to read all four of the books. The movie rocked.

5) I bite my nails almost every hour of every day..and have done so since I was old enough to chew!

6) I want to finish my book.

7) I can't stand it when people don't like me or when I make someone mad at me.

8) I love listening to music.

9) I devour books.

10) Show Me How To Love, Mary Did You Know, and Go Rest High On That Mountain are three of my most favorite songs.

11) I love hanging with my family and my friends.

12) I'm addicted to the computer and have journals/blogs on MySpace, Xanga, Facebook, Blogger, and Word Press. Now do ya believe me?

13) I love animals and have three.

14) I've been married to the love of my life for 30+ years.

15) I'm extremely loyal to those I love.

16) If you mess with my family or my friends, I might just hafta breaka yo face!


Tawnya said…
Thanks for the blog award.... I have been so busy lately with school and the holidays....I am on Facebook as well...
kelly said…
I'm loving # 16...LOL... so agree with you on this one... Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year...
Amy said…
You're OCD? so....I have a kitchen full of dirty dishes, and um....
aims said…
I'm OCD, too! Not that OCD is a good thing, but it's something else we have in common. lol!
Missie said…
I don't know if I could even come up with 16 things about myself! LOL

Have a good week.
Missie said…
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