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Cleanliness IS Next to Godliness!~

I have discovered just this morning there is a reason they say that cleanliness is next to godliness. I have been sick with a pretty bad upper respiratory infection for the last 2-3 weeks. It's amazing how something like that can really beat you down not just physically, but emotionally as well. Yesterday is the first day in about three weeks that I have had any energy at all. I tend to be a bit of a neat freak and being sick, things had gotten so out of order it was making me feel really depressed, so when I got up yesterday morning, I got up with a mission in mind, to get my "castle" back in order and I commenced to doing just that. I started with my daughter's room, which is on one end of our mobile home and worked my way forward. I reorganized her bedroom to hopefully make it easier for her to keep clean, I reorganized her bathroom and cleaned it. I skipped over my office because I knew that was going to take a while, so I saved it for last. I moved on to the living room and cleaned it, then the kitchen and dining area. After I got that done, I did my bedroom, and then I went back to my office.

The office is a task in itself. Whew! I have written time and time again about how I HATE, DETEST, DESPISE paperwork. I had piles and piles of mail, junk mail, sale magazines, etc. to go through. I spent an hour or so sorting. I filed everything that needed filing. I sorted through my bills. Some bills were duplicates, so I kept the most recent and put all the others in my to be shredded box. I also shred any junk mail that has our address or any personal info, so I put all that needed to be shredded in the to be shredded box. I made new folders for things that didn't have its own folder and put it accordingly in my filing cabinet. After I got completely done with all the sorting and filing, etc. I shred all the stuff that needed shredding. Now, all I have left to do is the basic cleaning such as vacumning and dusting and the office will be clean. It already looks soooooooooo much better. I am sooooooooo happy!~

After I get done with the office, I still have my pantry to clean out and my bathroom to clean, but when I get done with all of that, my house will once again be in order. Already it has made a difference in my disposition. I can vouch for the fact that there is indeed truth to the saying cleanliness is next to godliness!~


Amy said…
I still don't want to clean my house. Meh.
Cindi said…
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Cindi said…
It does make you feel better, its amazes me tho how quickly it gathers
aims said…
Oh you sound just like me! Only, I hate cleaning. But, I get terribly depressed when things are out of order so I've been depressed a lot these days. ;-) I do fine once I get started but at first, I feel overwhelmed. I have a hard time focusing on what I'm supposed to be doing. Like, if I'm sorting through the paperwork (which I also can't stand) I get sidetracked and start reading stuff until next thing I know, an hour has gone by and I've only made the place look worse, LOL! I need help.

Anyway, I'm just so glad that you're feeling better!!! Let's pray together and believe the rest of this season will remain healthy!

PS - hasn't it been cold!?!

Love ya!
Missie said…
I spent the day cleaning my upstairs bathroom and scrubbing the shower! I hate that job!

Have a good evening and I'm glad you're feeling better.
Linda's World said…
Wow, now I'm worn out just hearing what all you did. I need to clean & de-clutter but that's January & February's task. My mobile isn't big enough for my stuff. My beautiful desk is in my storage shed because I have no place to put it~I need one more room. So my dining room table has turned into a desk, which means there's no place to sit down & eat a meal like normal people do. I hate that! I hope you didn't over do, there gal! Take care & feel better soon. Linda in Washington state
Lisa said…
I agree .... when my castle is out of order I do not feel very good. I have a few things to do today as a matter of fact that will help me tremendously. Then I feel better at once. I try to make the bed everyday no matter what... and I like no dishes in the sink. Dusting, yikes, I'm sort of on and off with that. I need to vacuum today and finish up the holiday decorating... do one more load of dishes, keep changing loads of laundry, clean the fridge and then it's going to be a few hours in the office for me too. Yikes.....
Lippy said…
There is something to be said about coincidence. You have provided some much-needed inspiration for my day tomorrow.

Does the phrase "like a bomb went off here" sound like a good clue?

I need to clean.
Linda :) said…
My house is in need of a good cleaning, I'm looking forward to new year's resolutions to get it all done....

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